Sunday, August 26, 2007


I'm officially sick on tour. At Bonnaroo in June, I laughed in the face of a sinus infection claiming invincibility. Now when I'm expected to work and work hard until midnight (which is when it is normally at its worst), disaster has struck. I hate sinus infections and will give anyone who helps me $1500 to rip my sinuses out. In addition, I arrived a full 5 hours late to the venue which means I'm in the worst spot without room for all my cases. Today is about a 1 on the wow scale.

1 comment:

nola_kat said...

At least you didn't accidentally grill your foot...

Michael: You people are jerks. Imagine if you had left Stevie Wonder on the floor of that bathroom instead of me.
Phyllis: Oh, we wouldn't do that, we love Stevie Wonder.

or get stuck between a toilet and a stall.