Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hawaiian Shirt Tuesday

Once again, it's Hawaiian Shirt Tuesday. Once again, I am without this dubious attire. Not to be left out again, I was treated to something special: a cheap Hawaiian lei. I was literally forced to wear it all night even though I was in the dark in deep stage left. Without it, I'm told, I'm nothing but a stage hand with special privileges. It's just a shame cameras are not allowed on stage, otherwise my adoring public would be graced with a photo of yours truly in full lei get up.

In other news, my hard work seems to be paying off. At the end of every night, I dutifully help load the trucks even though I'm not really supposed to. While they still don't call me by name Christian name, they know it. Instead, they refer to me by my MunckMusic given name: Opie. Either way, the crew seems to accept me now. Not as one their own, mind you, but instead as a semi-integral part of the show.

With only one show left (with most of the crew), it's about time. It's been a great trip so far and it can only end with favor. Thanks to the great folks of the Allman Brothers organization.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna do some shameless self-promotion on your blog, sorry...

If you do any online shopping go to

This site will connect you with certain retailers (, Target, Best Buy, Delta Airlines, etc.) who will then donate a portion of your sales to the Renew Our Music Fund. In short, you can donate without spending any extra money then you already would.

If you want to take this comment down feel free, I'm just on a roll with posting this link everywhere.