Friday, February 13, 2009

Need new music?

I've been listening to a lot of new music recently and there's one I absolutely must share. Because I am often behind on the new music trend, I feel it would be a waste of time to tell you about Bon Iver, Nick Cave, Fleet Foxes, etc. However, I feel that Port O'Brien is one of those bands that has remained under the radar for the most part. Therefore, I command thee to rush to iTunes and buy the album All We Do Was Sing.

It is a little Les Savy Fav, a little Tapes N Tapes, and a lot great. Two vocalists blend great together. It's as if the coolest people on your hall freshman year got together and formed a band writing songs feverishly they never planned to play.

So while you're at iTunes checking it out and hopefully purchasing, go ahead and buy their first effort (a compilation of sorts from self-released tracks) as well.

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