Thursday, September 6, 2007

Last Light

Matt Pond PA: Hardest working band in indie pop show business? Once again, Matt Pond and co. has released a totally decent album both my mother and I can enjoy. He has, year in and year out, put out good pop records that he can be proud of. These same records have, year in and year out, failed to wow any A&R executive. I've seen them live once and was actually pretty impressed. It was the first time I had even heard of them and I found myself wishing I was able to sing along with the rest of the rather moderate crowd.

With each album put out, I find I am torn between buying another copy for my Mom (who likes pretty decent music, to her credit) or telling my friends that this could be the one for the band. The latest offering, Last Light, offers more of the same sing-a-long mom pop we've come to expect and even wait for. He's found his niche and he's sticking to it. The David Bowies and Becks of the industry are more than welcome to adapt and evolve to their liking, Matt Pond has found his style.

This offering is a little more solid and reminiscent of Several Arrows Later (2005, Altitude Records) which has been my favorite album until this point. This is the album that college coeds will share on their various P2P programs promising a perfect pre-class and/or pre-game record. Long live Mr. Pond.

Rating: Burn/Buy it.

1 comment:

George's Blogger Blog said...

great blog, Woods!! got some of my favorite bands and authors on here.

much respect for Matt Pond - he's gonna break through at some point.

I'm gonna put in my rss to keep up on your happenings/thoughts.

come see me sometime.

